Library of Congress Classification (LCC) and Dewey Decimal Classification(DDC) are the king and queen that have been reigning over the kingdom
of classification for several decades in America. Both of them originated
in the U. S. A.; but they are different in nature and structure. Since LCC
and DDC have been widely adopted by libraries outside their mother country,
a comparison between them may be of interest to library patrons.
It was for a unique library that LCC was formulated. The special nature
of the Library of Congress influenced the whole structure of the scheme. The
Congress library consists of several collections, each housed separately; the
resulting scheme is a series of individual classifications designed separately
by subject specialists.
On the contrary, DDC is intended for use in all sorts of libraries of
various sizes with abridged editions specially constructed for relatively small
libraries of any type: public, school, and junior college libraries. It is the
invention of one man, Melvil Dewey.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia